Tailhunter Outdoor Adventures Upgrades
Keeping my gear in top shape is always important. This year, it was time for the start of a full restoration of my boat. My Waterman 16 is more than a boat, it is my office and almost an extension of my being. She turned 11 this year and I wouldn't trade her for anything. But, it is also important to make sure that my clients expectations be met or exceeded.
The upgrades started with new cushions for the entire boat. Custom made by Islamorada Boatworks, they not only look great, they provide comfort during the rides, lunch time, or while you wait for your fishing partner to trade spots with you. After that, it was time for a new Power Pole. This anchor system is invaluable in holding positions and making it easier to land fish for clients. It is also great during photography and video sessions, as it can hold me in any position needed, yet it's readily available for repositioning. The new model is quieter, stronger and faster than the original. Last, but definitely not least it was time to repower. Eleven years of saltwater use is hard on a motor, but I was so happy how my Tohatsu handled it, I decided to go with them again. Upgraded to a 50HP, giving me a little extra top end, for those long runs, and better hole shot. The TLDI is fuel efficient, reliable, and Tohatsu has been great to work with.
The upgrades are done for now, with some more cosmetic details being added as the year progresses. It won't be anything that keeps me off the water and she is ready to take you on your adventure. Come join us!